Publications & Albums

Der skreg en fugl

Check back soon for information on a new, exciting recording featuring songs by Norwegian women that have not previously been recorded. A collaboration with the brilliant pianist Angela Draghicescu this will present all new material for your listening enjoyment! Release expected in 2025 on the Chandos label.

Songs & Piano Music of Edvard Grieg
Opus 33 & 66

Available in digital and physical formats on Amazon, or you may purchase it directly through me with PayPal or Venmo by contacting me.


Breaking the Language Barrier
Songs in Norwegian & Danish, Composed by Foreigners

Available in digital and physical formats on Amazon, or you may purchase it directly through me with PayPal or Venmo by contacting me.


A $3.99 shipping and handling fee per title will be added in the cart. This cost is for US customers only. Please directly if you live outside the US and would like to purchase a CD so I can calculate accurate shipping costs.

Midnight Sun

A three volume collection of songs from Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark collected and edited by Mimmi Fulmer.
Norwegian expertise was provided by Laura Loge, including translations, IPA and spoken texts for 16 songs by Edvard Grieg, Agatha Backer-Grøndahl, Christian Sinding, Halfdan Kjerulf, Eyvind Alnæs and Ole Bull.

Norwegian American Articles